Athletes of the month

The athlete of the month for October is Elliot Donavon Davies.At the final match of the junior league held in Brecon, Elliot put in an excellent performances in both the Shot Putt and Long Jump. Winning both with distances that were for under 11 boys the best in Wales 2016. I can also now inform you that Elliot won the best athlete of the match at Brecon for under 11boys age group. Elliot won shot with 7.01metres and the Long Jump with 3.83metres. Outstanding Elliot!

The athlete of the month for November is Sam Fisher. Congratulations to Sam Fisher in acheiveing the acalaid this month for his committment and dedication to athletics. As exceptional athlete and a promissing start of the future. Sam more recently won the Schools Cross Country Race demonstrating outstanding endurance and deterination, Da Iawn Sam!

This month there are two athletes that need recognision. Both these athletes competed in the Welsh Open at Cardiff Indoor track. Mia and Caitlin competed in the 200m and both acheived PB's which they have garenteed that they will 'better' in 2017. Keep training hard and watch the times come down.

This month the athlete that that has shown most promise and needs recognision is Jake Birkinshaw. In his first competition Jake competed in the Welsh Open at Cardiff Indoor track and produced a solid race debut pushing the others hard. He is definitely one to look out for next season. Da iawn Jake.

This month we thought we would select two athletes that have shown commitment and determination in training - eithriadol Tara Nathan and Izzy Arnold! Keep focused.

Again the girls are showing the boys how its done. Ffantastig Nia Powell and Bethan Davies. The duo were chosen for recognision this month as they are shown potential in the sprints and the jumping events. Nia says that she takes inspiration from Dame Jessica Ennis-Hill ...... you never know we may potentially have a heptathlete in the making. Keep it up girls!

Congratulations to Nia Powell for getting 'Athlete of the Month'. After being complemeted in March for her excellent effort, it seem the hard work is paying off as she has got through to the Urdd Schools cross-country Championships. Also at the end of April in the opening meet at Carmarthen, Nia was place 1st overall in the under 11's 75m. Nia tells us that her dad always says that she should "keep her eyes on the prize"

Athlete of the month this time goes to Mia Williams. Mia entered the South Wales Regional Championships held in Brecon where she came 3rd in South Wales in the under 13 shot - throwing 5.25m and then throwing 13.39m in the Javelin coming 2nd in South Wales. Excellent performance. Still wanting to better her PB Mia then threw 7.46m in the shot at Neath to increase the club record further. Keep up the fantastic effort - Da Iawn

Very difficult to choose an athlete of the month for June as everyone is training hard ready for the next meeting. So well done PAC members

This month there were a number of outstanding performances from a number of PAC Athletes, like Nia, Izzy, Max Arnold, Caitlyn, Osian Parry, Rhiannon, Mali, Hedi, Mia, Lucy, Sam, Tara, Beth, Ciara the list goes on. Although a difficult decision as there were with a number of good performances, we had to pick one athlete which is Alex James. Alex displayed determination and true grit in his events at both Swansea and Brecon. Keep training hard and the rewards will follow

As there is no competitions this month we decided to acknowledge the boys in the first training session for their effort and continued enthusiasm particularly when training for the relay. Da iawn boys

Again as there is no competitions this month we decided to acknowledge the girls in the second training session for their effort and continued enthusiasm - some of the girls are working hard for the up and coming cross country season. Keep it up girls!

Da Iawn Lily - she was credited with athlete of the month for October because she showed real grit and determination when she participated in her first cross country event in Cardiff. Although she found some parts of it difficult, she stuck at it and kept going. Keep training hard and watch your times improve.

Congratulation to Tara Nation who was part of a very successful Cowbridge Under 13 Cross Country Team who won the Welsh Inter School Championships. Tara did particularly well when she can 9th in her race. At the club we recognise that she has bags of potential and we are looking forward to seeing how her performance improves over the forthcoming season.

This month there were 2 outstanding athletes who both competed in the Welsh Athletics Junior Open and South Wales regional championships. Silver medals were won by Nia and Elliott. Nia's long jump, a pb with a jump of 3.94metres. This from Nia who was one of the youngest competitors in that competition was the PAC performance of the day. Elliott also had a pb in the shot throwing 6.85m - excellent performances by both.

Again athlete of the month goes to Mia Williams who broke her own indoor shot record by throwing an indoor PB record of 6.54m in Day 2 of the indoor Regional Championship. She came second in the South East region and three overall. Not bad for someone who was ill for over three weeks and hadn't trained. Da iawn

Athlete of the Months this month goes to Caitlyn Richards. Always gives 100% effort and always keen to help out. Fantastic role model at the club.

Athlete of the month goes to Ben. A shot and javelin throw who is starting to develop his glide in the shot and maximising his potential. He has been setting himself targets in the shot and achieve them every time. Keep up the fantastic effort and we are confident at the club that you will pass that 6 metre mark really soon.

This month the accolade of athlete of the month goes to Simeon Richards. He now seems to have found his events as a thrower taking a keen interest in the shot and javelin. He has shown determination and real enthusiasm in these events and if he continues to progress he will turn into a fantastic thrower - da iawn.

This month again is shared and goes to Nia and Mia. They both competed in the South Wales Regional Championships and performed out of their skins. Nia obtained a gold medal in the long jump and Mia collected a gold in the javelin and shot and a silver medal in the discus. Girl power at its best. 1 club, 2 athletes, 4 medals and 1 championship record break. The season looks bright.

This month Tara competed in the Welsh Championships held in Newport and came 2nd in the 800m - Outstanding end to the season

Athlete of the month goes to Aron Nathon. His first ever run in the Welsh Junior League was remarkable. He ran 800m in 2min 42secs which is a time only 4 seconds off being put on the Power of 10 of an under 13 athlete. He is a true talent and should be congratulated for his performance. Well done and watch the time come tumbling down.

July's athlete of the month goes the Eurion who although only recently joined the club has made a dramatic impact in the club as he has broken the club record and is the second highest ranked 1st year on the Power of 10. Keep training hard and next year you'll reap the rewards.

As there is no competitions this month we decided to acknowledge the girls in the first training session for their effort and continued enthusiasm particularly when training for the relay. Da iawn girls

Athlete of the month was difficult this months as it was a very successful month for a few athletes at the club. With this in mind we decided to award the athlete of the month to Ben Evans who took 2nd place in the U13 shot @ the South Wales Indoor Championships - Well done Ben